
Please use the link below to be re-directed to the Hopin Conference Platform in order to register for HERUG 2021. For your convenience, this link will open in a new tab so you can follow the registration instructions below.

There is no fee to register for this year’s conference.

Register on Hopin


Hopin requires 

  • A laptop / desktop (phones / tablets are not supported)
  • Google Chrome, fully updated with pop-up blockers disabled (Safari, IE and Edge are not supported)
  • Minimum internet speed: 5mbps down / 2mbps up
  • Closing all unnecessary tabs/applications to maximize performance
  • Mac Users only. Set your browser permissions to allow access to the screen recording. To do so:
    • Open the System preferences
    • Navigate to Security & Privacy > Privacy
    • Check the box next to the browser you are using


To register on Hopin

STEP 1: Register for the event via the following link:

HERUG 2021

Select “General admission“, and provide the information required.


STEP 2: Create an account / Login

After you register for your ticket, users new to the platform will be asked to create a Hopin account. Please do so by filling out the empty fields and clicking “Sign Up”. If you already have a Hopin account, log in by clicking the “Sign in” hyperlink above the header image of Toronto’s waterfront.

Please note: the buttons beneath “Or continue with” are only usable by pre-existing HOPIN accounts already linked to those services. 


STEP 3: Customize your Profile

  1. Once you enter Hopin, select the blue circle logo on the top left of your screen.
  2. A profile tab will appear on the top right of your screen, please select it.
  3. You are now on your profile page. Please flush out your profile information as follows
    1. Enter your title and organization within the headline field. (max. 32 characters)
      • eg. CIO – Aperture Science, Ohio
    2. Upload a profile picture (100 x 100px)
    3. Fill out the bio section with more details about yourself. (max. 133 characters)
    4. Enter links to your Twitter, LinkedIn and website of choice (if applicable)
    5. Select “Save” to confirm your edits.

Your profile should look like this:



Additional Hopin onboarding resources